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Renowned for its party scene and the birthplace of some hugely influential bands, this small city is quietly showing its bigger counterparts how a place can grow up while keeping its edge.

Some Americans may know the lore of Athens, Georgia, and its claims to fame. Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains 70 miles north-east of Atlanta, the small city is home to the University of Georgia (UGA), the US's first state-chartered college established in 1785. UGA's football team, the Georgia Bulldogs, is a perennial, national championship-calibre powerhouse. What's more, Athens's homegrown heroes, the B-52s and REM, were as influential as any rock 'n' roll bands to meld post-punk, new wave and indie sounds during the last quarter of the 20th Century. That notoriety spawned a musical legacy that continues to attract aspiring artists today.

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